Notification/Circular Search

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Page NameCircular/Notification NumberCircular/Notification Date
Notification No. 21/2025 [F. No. 370142/6/2025-TPL] / GSR 193(E) : Amendment of Income tax Rules to Notification No. 21/2025 25/03/2025
Treatment of Right-of-Use (ROU) Asset for Regulatory Capital Purposes RBI/2024-25/128 21/03/2025
Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements - Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021: Clarif RBI/2024-25/126 20/03/2025
Amortisation of additional pension liability - Implementation of Pension Scheme in Regional Rural Ba RBI/2024-2025/127 20/03/2025
Notification No. 14/2025- Customs (N.T.) dated 18.03.25 Notification No. 14/2025- Customs (N.T.) 18/03/2025
Notification No. 20/2025 [F.No. 225/33/2025/ITA-II] / SO 1241(E) Notification No. 20/2025 18/03/2025
Asian Clearing Union (ACU) Mechanism – Indo-Maldives trade RBI/2024-2025/125 17/03/2025
Annual Closing of Government Accounts – Transactions of Central /....... RBI/2024-25/124 17/03/2025
Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967: Updates to UNSC’s 1267/1989 ISIL (Da'esh) .... RBI/2024-25/123 15/03/2025
Notification No. 13/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) dated:- 13.03.2025 Notification No. 13/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 13/03/2025
Notification No. 10/2025 – Central Tax dated :- 13.03.2025 Notification No. 10/2025 – Central Tax 13/03/2025
Notification No. 19 /2025 [F.No. 300164/1/2024-ITA-1] / SO 1120(E) : Ten Year Zero Coupon Bond of Po Notification No. 19 /2025 11/03/2025
Notification for filling up 01 (one) post of Programmer, National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), New D Notification 10/03/2025
Notification No. 18 /2025 [F. No. 196/46/2012-ITA-I] / SO 1099(E) Notification No. 18 /2025 06/03/2025
Reporting and Accounting of Central Government transactions for March 2025 RBI/2024-25/122 28/02/2025
Notification No. 12/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) dated 28.02.2025 Notification No. 12/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 28/02/2025
Extension of last date-Filling up the posts of Chairperson and three full-time members in NFRA Notification 28/02/2025
Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967: Updates to UNSC’s 1267/1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida... RBI/2024-25/121 27/02/2025